The hype about unsafe 03's is just that, 'HYPE'. If it were in my corral, I would use a box of factory ammo first, cover the receiver with a heavy towel for the first 3 rounds, then have fun with it. Your Smith Corona does not fall into the 'low number' category. 03a3 Smith Corona Serial Numbers For SaleĠ3's of all manufacture are trustworthy, even the low numbered ones, but that is a different issue of itself.A check of the headspace is worth the cost if you can't do it yourself, but military rifles I trust much more than one that I got a 'great deal' on. A military issued gun that is back out on the market, I wouldn't worry about. I would be more concerned about a gun not being safe to shoot if it was a butchered gun that you got from a shady source. It is NOT For Sale at this time due to Sentimental Values.Best Regards,Chev. There are other Problems in the values discussed in the Book's Listings.Look for a copy and read it yourself.My Late Father's CMP 'Smith-Corona M1903A3 has a replacement Pistol Grip Stock with no Cartouches Present, but we both enjoyed Shooting it and he wons some Trophies in club Shooting Matches back in the 1950s and 1960s. brucev.The Thirty-Seventh Edition of the 'Blue Book of Gun Values' says 100% Original Springfield M1903A3 values range from $1250 to $300 with a 25% premium for Smith-Corona manufacture. round-nosed ammo and a good practical knowledge of anatomy, it will handle anything in the world up to and including the Big Five. With the right load, it would settle the hash of any game animal that walks or crawls in North America. It's hard to improve on a 03 or 03-A3 rifle for just about anything at all. if of course I do my part! Looking back I think that Mr. I expect that if opportunity presents itself, this rifle will prove up to the challenge. This year, as since 1980, I will go forth deer hunting. Using selected handloads, it will consistently keep five rounds under that magic one minute of angle that I have always considered the hallmark of a quality rifle. With Greek HXP M-2 ball it produces five shot groups of under 1.25 inches. It is set up exactly like the 03-A4 as issued in WWII, Korea and even Vietnam. However last year I found and bought a very nice 03 A4orgery assembled by a gunsmith in Denver, CO. And the days of my using a iron sighted 03 or 03-A3 for serious deer hunting are over. Nowadays, the worn out and museum type rifles are gone. Since 1980 when I bought that first one, I've owned a pile of various 03 and 03-A3 rifles. The assistant scout master of my Boy Scout troop had advised me that it would be a good rifle to use as I wanted to begin deer hunting. The very first centerfire rifle I ever bought was a 03-A3.